Blomkamp er fortsatt interessert i å regissere en Halo-film

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Master Sjef
Master Sjef
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Registrert: 05 jan 2004, 21:55
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Blomkamp er fortsatt interessert i å regissere en Halo-film

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Deler av årsaken til at en potensiell Halofilm strandet ved siste korsvei var usikkerhet omkring den foreslåtte regissøren Neil Blomkamp. Han gikk videre fra den havarerte Halofilmen til å lage filmen District 9, som hadde stor suksess sett i forhold til budsjett og forventninger.

Blomkamp har imidlertid ikke gitt helt opp håpet om å få regissere en Halofilm:
District 9 director Neill Blomkamp remains interested in helming a Halo movie, but would only do so if given control over the project.

Blomkamp signed on to make a Halo movie with Peter Jackson over five years ago, but the project collapsed soon after with Microsoft holding onto the film rights. The South African movie maker went on to create sci-fi hit District 9 and is now promoting Elysium.

But despite the complex nature of working on a Halo project, Blomkamp remains open to the idea.

"I still really love the world and the universe and the mythology of Halo," he told IGN. "If I was given control, I would really like to do that film.

"But that's the problem. When something pre-exists, there's this idea of my own interpretation versus 150 other people involved with the film's interpretation of the same intellectual property. Then the entire filmgoing audience has their interpretation."

He added: "You can really live up to or fail in their eyes. That part isn't appealing to me, but the original pieces are appealing."
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